What's included?

There are vast direct and indirect benefits of your inclusion in our network. All of which share an end goal of winning clients and increasing business.

There is a lot to cover. I will try to be concise. You can email me if you feel a description needs to be expanded upon.

Our Mission

Real Solutions exists for two primary reasons.

  1. The first is to provide local, expert-sourced answers and solutions to common and uncommon real estate issues faced by buyers, sellers, and owners everyday.
  2. The second is to reward those providing the local, expert-sourced solutions with credibility, exposure, and more business.

This page will focus on point two, since that's why you're here. However, our attention to point one bleeds exponentially into point two.

Tangible Features of Joining Our Network

This list is not exhaustive. We're continuously adding to it and include new features at no additional cost to you.

  1. Expert Business Profile
  2. Your Own Blog Posts
  3. Lead Generation
  4. Trusted Source Citations & References to Your Profile, Website, and Socials
  5. All Future Bells & Whistles

Expert Business Profile

Pretty self explanatory. Your profile page includes your bio, contact information, your blog posts, and more.

In lieu of advertisements, we show your profile summary on every page and post we produce that is tagged with the metro area in which you do business. The profile summary includes your picture, contact links, and link to your full profile.

Your Own Blog Posts

Creating your own blog posts is a proven way to showcase your expertise and drive traffic to your profile, website, and social accounts.

Posts you create will be automatically inserted into our blog feed, meaning site visitors will be exposed to your content without having to visit your profile first. In short, we promote your content to our readers.

If you don't fancy writing or struggle with the process, ghostwriting and content creation is available a la carte via our marketing partner.

Also, tell us what to write! You profile dashboard includes a feature request to have us build a tool or cover a topic near and dear to you.

Lead Generation

We sprinkle contact forms and requests for more information throughout our site. Any submission from your profile or content you create goes exclusively to you. We do not sell or resell leads to anyone.

General requests will be funneled to you depending on the request and your areas of expertise.

There is no additional charge for leads.

We are creating proprietary checklists, calculators, and more with which site users can download or engage. Such tools enable additional exclusive lead opportunities.

Trusted Source Citations & References to Your Profile, Website, and Socials

That title is a lot of words to convey we promote you, your expertise, and your content.

It is here where the tangible benefits of your inclusion on our site meets the intangible. The tangible piece is using your knowledge and experience in content we create. Our posts may include quotes from you, references and links to articles on your website, or embedded social posts you've created elsewhere.

Here's an example of what that might look like:

Let's say property tax rates were bumped up in your area, and we are writing about it.

Imagine you represent one of these roles.

We include quotes from a real estate agent about the importance of factoring property taxes into where you choose to look for a home to buy.

There are quotes from a real estate attorney about how you can contest your assessment and possibly lower your tax bill.

The post includes quotes from a mortgage lender about how property taxes affect your mortgage payment and can be the difference between getting approved and being turned away.

You get the idea.

What This Does

Google and search engines love original content.

Original content is not something you can get from ChatGPT or other A.I. copywriter.

Including quotes from experts and linking to sources tells Google we are doing the work required to deliver accurate, relevant, and timely information to our readers.

As we grow and expand our reach to new metro areas, search engines will increasingly see Real Solutions as an authoritative voice. This authoritative "juice" is passed to our experts by driving traffic to their websites and establishing them as a trusted source in the space they occupy, creating a snowball effect of exposure and credibility.

Of all current and future reasons to join our network, the longterm implications of building exposure and credibility is likely the most valuable, paying off continuously in perpetuity.

All Future Bells & Whistles

Additional phases of our application will include more and more solutions for buyers, sellers, owners, and proprietors. Everything we add will include the same benefits to you as listed above at no additional cost.

We've provided the link to this page because we'd love to have you on board.

If you would like clarification on anything, email me.

When you are ready to join, create an account.


I've been asked how our one-time fee is sustainable. We are only doing this to fill our expert rosters in Omaha, Kansas City, Houston, San Francisco, and San Jose.

When we expand beyond these initial locations, new metros will incur the fee annually.

When you're ready to proceed, create an account.
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